Relationship turmoil and therapy

Social roles

Man is a social being. Besides the basic needs for achievement and power, which are the strongest drivers of human action, people have specific affiliation needs. People want to communicate with one another, offer opinions, obtain criticism, and know that they matter. People by themselves behave very differently than when in a group. Each one of us is a possibly uncomplicated being; but when in the presence of another person, one transforms into someone else (although the core still remains intact). Personal roles change in relation to the surrounding world; as they now become interpersonal profiles. The same individual can be a boss, a son, father, brother, husband, subordinate, friend or foe, provider or a consumer; to different people around him or her. People exist in order to build relationships with other people around them. In business, at work, at the gym, in schools, colleges; everywhere. Relationships drive human nature and are a must for human existence.

Thirst for feedback

People exist in relation to themselves (who am I?) and in connection with others (who am I to this person?). Thus, people in any kind of relationship are playing roles specific to the scene before them. Everyone has different roles; they communicate the role and receive feedback from both themselves (did I play the role correctly?) and from others (did everyone confirm that my behavior was correct?) to restart the entire process of redefining who they are as individuals (personal role) in relation to the relationship (dyadic role). Few (honestly nobody) in this world can survive by themselves. Most actions truly are about interaction. Thus it is imperative to optimize the quality of relationships between any two people.

Whole = More than sum of parts

When people connect with others, they add their individual pieces to the mosaic. However the design at the end of the process is more beautiful than every single piece by its lone self. Relationships with parents, siblings, spouses, bosses, subordinates, friends, neighbors; all are responsible for every action of all human beings and motivate each member of the dyad (relationships at their core are between any two people) to put in the best for a higher purpose: peace and happiness. When relationships are smooth and conflict free, people are at peace too. However each one needs to add an additional sense of humanness to their connection with those around them and look beyond themselves.

Mending broken bonds

We understand relationship dynamics and aim to use this awareness to improve and build upon relationship strengths and overcome the weak links. Improvement of any interpersonal problem entails improving communication between individuals. It may involve behavioral modification in a toddler by parents, change in lifestyle of a deviant adolescent, increased acceptance and understanding between couples, or meditation and relaxation for an agitated businessman; some change is unquestionably needed. Sometimes environment alteration also helps ease off anxiety and improves the pattern of communication, which works positively for the relationship. Only then can the relationship survive and thrive. We focus additionally on relations between couples as part of our couples and marital therapy program as well as transactional analysis therapy. People typically fall back on their partners to appease all pain from other painful relationships in life. When people know that they are not alone, the path seems less tortuous and rewards more fulfilling.

MINDFRAMES: Reframing bonds

We all need relationships. Likewise we need to do what it takes to care for them and mend them when they’re scarred. Besides individual guidance we do offer small and large group therapy sessions to assist people in sharing their heartfelt views about relationships and build empathy in their connections to improve their interaction with those who matter. The purpose of life is to be happy, make others happy if possible, grow old gracefully and attain inner peace in the process. Relationships make or break people. Enhancing the emotional quotient and connecting with people at an emotive level is the need of the hour today.

Personal responisibility

Every member of the dyad must do his or her part to facilitate healthy communication in any relationship

  • Build an inner desire to connect
  • Believe that one will be heard
  • Understand the other’s’ diversity
  • Use as much clarity as possible
  • Express only what they truly mean
  • Be honest in their interactions
  • Learn to be less self centered
  • Avoid unnecessary presumptions
  • Rely on facts and not intuition
  • Focus more on the relationship
  • Respect interpersonal complexity
  • Do not jump on to conclusions
  • Do cognitive-emotional analysis
  • Give a thorough listening always
  • Do not hinder free expression

What relationships do

Positive and healthy relationships are essential for physical and psychological wellness. Healthy relationships are responsible for holistic wellness. They play an active role in the body’s day to day functioning:

  • Build body’s immune functioning
  • Enhance lifespan and longevity
  • Decrease stress and burnout
  • Safeguard from psychopathology
  • Make one enriched as a person
  • Protect people from loneliness
  • Elevate their self confidence
  • Help fulfill affiliation needs
  • Provide purpose to existence
  • Enable man’s search for meaning

Improving relationships

The most striking transformations take place with the simplest of efforts. relationships can thrive if people feed them rightly. Through these workshops we aim to inculcate the following:

  • Transparent communication
  • Honesty in self disclosure
  • Interpersonal connectedness
  • Outrospection and Empathy
  • Building Emotional Quotient
  • Seeing other’s world views
  • Keeping focus on solutions