Group sessions for substance use

Prevention and intervention

The best and lasting wisdom comes through first-hand learning. Appreciating the experiences of oneself as well as others, allowing for introspection and making a willful decision to change; is a superior form of realization. When one is placed in a group, exchange becomes simpler. Prevention and early intervention are a mandate for substance use management; groups are the ideal scenarios to accomplish that goal. A detailed explanation of the disease model of addiction to individuals who have an addiction problem forms a part of therapeutic intervention. The problem of addiction is ubiquitous and the detected cases merely form the tip of the iceberg. Hence preventive strategies that target larger groups are advantageous. We include experiential learning tasks in our group programs. This not only facilitates activity-assisted knowledge, but also is a good platform for building social skills and enhancing one’s social quotient (SQ).

Group workshop style

MINDFRAMES organizes small and large group workshops for corporate executives as well as the working and labor class to enable people to understand the roadway to addiction and the path out of it. This workshops involve small groups with 5 to 6 participants to allow personal interaction as well as large group programs with 20 to 25 people with greater interpersonal focus. Colloquial language use with the labor class makes them understand concepts easily. The workshops use visual aids such as power-point presentations and flash players to capture the attention of the participants and provide a multi sense modality, which helps retain information. Flyers and mailers, alerting people on the depths of the topic discussed are also provided. The reflective learning experience of the group sitting can be subsequently incorporated in the one-to-one guidance session with the participants if needed.

Interpersonal dynamics

Cohesiveness is a primary therapeutic factor in mitigating change. Feeling one with several others, sharing personal feelings, understanding the plights of others from their viewpoint inculcates empathy, improves social skills and instills hope. Group members achieve a greater level of self-awareness through the course of interacting with others in the group. Their feedback impacts and influences each participant’s behavior. It may help attain greater levels of insight into the origin of one’s problems and the unconscious motivations that underlie behavior.

MINDFRAMES group therapy

We attempt to empower participants to understand holistic health concepts, thereby encouraging them to develop emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. We conduct these programmes regularly for the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai since 2004. All these sessions are directed towards drug taking behaviors and they help deserving people live happier and more productive lives; which benefits themselves, their families, workplace and the nation at large.

Group session focus

Group goals although similar to those in individual sessions, have distinctive qualities. The MINDFRAMES psycho-education sessions give an explanation of:

  • Health: a holistic construct
  • Disease model of addiction
  • Positive effect of abstinence
  • Importance of introspection
  • Drug De-Addiction Services
  • Relapse prevention models
  • Staying on the recovery path
  • Family therapy programmes
  • Relaxation, meditation, yoga

Group dynamics

No one likes to be singled out. Group protocols work because:

  • It generates a sense of empathy
  • People realize they are not alone
  • Their experiences can be shared
  • Motivation gets further enhanced
  • They sense a feeling of oneness
  • Individuals become less inhibited
  • They can express emotions easily
  • They can internalize experiences

Ergonomic advantage

Employee well being is of utmost importance. Preventive as well as therapeutic intervention is accepted better in a group in a work setting and can work wonders.

  • Our group therapy is time tested
  • It is referenced and researched
  • More people are targeted together
  • It is more time and cost effective
  • Lesser hours are lost from work
  • It sums up to healthy ergonomics