Corporate wellness measurement

Psychological tests

Psychology is the study of human behavior. A psychological test evaluates cognitive processes like thinking and learning, as well as emotive dimensions of personality and behavior in the employee. For the employee to perform to his or her optimum potential, a combination of physical and psychological concerns ought to be addressed in great detail. This ensures long-term positive relationships for one and all at the workplace. Mental health is not as easily measured as blood pressure or cholesterol or blood glucose levels; nonetheless it deserves equal attention especially when considering the costs associated with poor mental and emotional health. It is in the best interest for the human resources team to assure wellness for all their employees. After all it’s a win-win situation for them if they facilitate optimized performance and assure better ergonomics.

Why psychometrics

All employees usually go through full body health checks prior to recruitment to ascertain absolute positive physical health. They are screened for body weight, diabetes, blood pressure, HIV (at times) and several other assessments as deemed important by the company to assure fitness for the particular job profiles. Likewise, assessing the vulnerability to stress, watching out for emotional problems, anxiety, personality issues, leadership styles, attitudes towards work, and more, is also crucial to assure that employees are stable enough to focus on work efficiently and effectively. For instance, aggression, stress, low confidence, inferiority, poor time management, anxiety, social phobia, depression; all tend to hamper work performance, increase time inefficiency and elevate organization expense.

The vicious cycle

Ergonomic research has publicized the correlation between workplace psychological problems and work performance. Work itself is instrumental in generating a myriad of negative emotional symptoms in the strongest willed individuals. Predisposed vulnerability can rapidly facilitate an emotional breakdown. At the same time, if these problems interfere with appraisals and promotions, they lower confidence and self-esteem further, thereby elevating frustration, disappointment and dissatisfaction. This additionally deteriorates the condition through a cascading vicious cycle. Picking these troubles well in time helps make appropriate decisions for timely intervention.

How employers can contribute

Human resource departments have responsibilities towards organizations and their employees who comprise it. To ensure the best interests of the company, the recruitment, retention and well being of a supreme quality employee is mandatory. An assessment of the mental status helps the organization to target psychological aberrations and offer viable solutions well in time, to ensure that no one suffers: not the employee or the organization. This will make everyone stronger, healthier and happier.

Behaviour analysis

Human emotion is not as easy to assess as hemoglobin or sugar levels in the blood. Sensitive and scientific methods are needed to understand conflicts in the mind.

  • Individual employee interviews
  • Behavior assessment checks
  • Specific personality assessments
  • Self administered questionnaires
  • Online automated test methods

Areas of coverage

  • Stress level checks
  • Burnout vulnerability
  • Emotional quotient
  • Organization skills
  • Leadership survey
  • Personality styles
  • Perfectionism style
  • Motivational styles
  • Aggression checks
  • Job satisfaction
  • Conflict evaluation

How tests help

Tests have diagnostic as well as intervention motives. When you know what is wrong, you’re in a better position to set it right.

  • Identifying strengths
  • Detecting limitations
  • Assessing social skills
  • Assessing time utility
  • Gauging contentment
  • Recognizing stressors
  • Pinpointing fallacies
  • Perceiving satisfaction
  • Maximizing resources