Child and adolescent mental health

Importance of childhood

Childhood is a special point of life with its characteristic developmental phases starting from the new-born period until its culmination in adolescence. The formative years are expected to initiate the smooth and mellow transition to mature adulthood. The remarkable physical changes from childhood to adolescence are matched with a complete metamorphosis of every aspect of the child’s mind and intellect. Childhood is a very important period wherein appropriate development ought to occur without any deviations or distractions. If not, it can lead to severe behavioral and psychological problems in adolescence and adult life which are greater in magnitude and become a lot more difficult to manage.

Changing viewpoints on child mental health

Far back, the 17th century had identified children as miniature adults, differing only with regard to the brain size; hence they had diminished capability of doing what adults do and think how adults think. Subsequently the child’s mind was characterized to be ‘Tabula Rasa’ which means blank slate on which the environment would add its influences to destine the child’s future. Today neurodevelopment has allowed the pediatric mind to gain its own identity with its own characteristics and developmental segments, which are traversed from time to time, in order to achieve the mature beauty of adulthood.

Role of parents

Parents play a critical role in the overall development of their child. Sometimes it is just impossible to know what’s going on in your child’s mind. Their behavior seems erratic, actions unacceptable and questions, exasperating. As much as we fail to realize it, children are great with understanding but relatively poor with expression. Parents need to know the techniques to comprehend how and why children behave (or rather misbehave) and what they are truly meaning to express instead of dealing with their misconduct purely with an emotional response. This gives a chance to pick up the warning signs of an impending problem so as to take appropriate steps to correct it well in time. Parents need to be better informed on ‘parenting’. They have the best intentions for their children but seldom the appropriate action to assure the optimal outcome.

MINDFRAMES and children

MINDFRAMES has a team of trained psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists, therapists, educators, counselors and trainers who help fill the blanks in a child’s positive development. We offer a complete review of the child’s mind from a distinctive perspective. Using non-threatening modalities. Understanding children is a knack; if you have it you are gifted. We help guide parents towards appropriate techniques to prevent childhood troubles, detect them well in time and tackle them effortlessly. Real behavior modification occurs at home; parents thus need to enhance their parenting skills to build healthier, responsible and intelligent children. We merely wish to act as mediators and allow the penetration of positive parenting practices in the community.

Why child mental health

Children’s social, emotional and intellectual maturity is shaped by their environment. Child mental health matters because children’s brains are unique.

  • Stage wise emotional growth
  • Ongoing psychological maturity
  • Heightened emotional sensitivity
  • Strong sense of self preservation
  • Tendency towards narcissism
  • Inherent desire to think freely

Parents: Best Therapists

Behavior therapy is really ‘common sense parenting’. Parents play an important role because:

  • they know their children
  • can observe them 24-7
  • they make and enforce rules
  • they are good influencers
  • they’re there for their kids
  • kids observe and learn from them

Key Parenting Skills

Children need their parents the most, and this can be burdensome. Here are 9 skills that will help you be a better parent.

  • Make yourself available
  • Listen to them – actively
  • Set a good example
  • Practice right judgment
  • Always be fair to them
  • Choose logic over emotion
  • Control your own emotions
  • Heal and nourish yourself
  • Show your love – openly

Do not fret

Parents have several inhibitions about psychological visits for their children. My child is ‘not abnormal’ they feel. he or she doesn’t need this. You must understand that:

  • Their psychological needs matter
  • Children benefit with expert help
  • There are many treatment options
  • Utilizing these is a prudent choice
  • When support is available, take it