Remedial education for children

What remedial education really implies

Remedial education is designed to empower students who have some deficit in academic triumph to reach up to the level of achievement realized by their peers. Remedial teaching is help offered to pupils who need didactic assistance through structured means. These are often children who function at a lower than average level because of a certain learning difficulties or behavioral problems or disorders. However, remedial teaching can also be offered to pupils who achieve at a higher than average level, they too can do with the extra attention and care. It only helps and never hurts.

Why Remedial Education?

The primary aim of remedial education is to help students in regular schools cope with the prescribed school curriculum, to help students develop study skills, to train students in organizational skills, to give one-on-one intensive instruction in language skills and mathematics and to improve their overall academic performance. No one can push children to a skill level that they are innately not capable of imbibing. However the resilience of the human brain and its ability to adapt is extensive. Children with specific learning deficits can have exceptional skills in other arenas. Building on existent skills and repatterning them to attain superior outcomes is the smart and wise aim of remedial education.


The primary aim of remedial education is to help students in regular schools cope with the prescribed school curriculum, to help students develop study skills, to train students in organizational skills, to give one-on-one intensive instruction in language skills and mathematics and to improve their overall academic performance.Such children do not have mere academic difficulties. There is also associated impairment in social relatedness due to information processing deficits, embarrassment due to low grades, fear of parents being disappointed, anger towards the self and a significant level of frustration with the entire system. This is damaging for the child’s overall progress and development in the formative years of growth.

Who can benefit

Most often than not remedial education is provided to children who have been diagnosed with any bio-neurological, disorder such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia or other non-verbal learning difficulties, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, mental retardation, slow learners, those suffering from cerebral palsy or spasticity. It is also required by those with major psychological or emotional disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, adjustment issues or conduct disorders. Many a times it is also provided to gifted and talented children who need aided assistance with analytical and logical thinking that is not part of school curriculum.

The process

Special techniques and strategies are put to use by the remedial educator depending on the level at which the child is functioning. It may start with core basics of the language including letter recognition, sound identification, syllabification and move on to higher elements such as blends, classification, grammar rules and so on. With children in higher grades, help is provided at the age where the child is stuck taking him up to his age appropriate level. Special audio-visual stimuli are used to facilitate learning such as flashcards, workbooks, pictorial aids, puzzles and so on. A multi-modal approach known as the V-A-K-T (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile) is used as it is known to have maximum benefit to simulate learning.

Duration of the process

There is no fixed duration for remedial education. It is contingent upon each child’s distinctive needs. Typically, the child is required to come thrice a week for as long as the he or she is able to show significant improvement and able to cope with his peers in the class. Here at MINDFRAMES, we cater to every age group of a diverse population with difficulties arising and continuing due to any medical, social or psychological factors. We have a qualified remedial education team with dedicated experts who adopt varied remedial methods to assist the learning process and help children attain their true potential.

Aspects of Remedial Education

A sequence of processes are involved in bringing an under performing children to their true level of efficiency and competency.

  • Postsecondary remediation
  • Developmental education
  • Basic skills education
  • Compensatory education
  • Preparatory education
  • Academic upgrading

Umbrella of remedial Education

There is a multitude of processes involved in improving the child’s retentive and assimilative patterns during his or her learning.The process is systematic as defined.

  • Structured instruction
  • Customized to needs
  • Tutoring assimilated
  • Counseling alongside
  • Empowering the child
  • Assessing comorbidity
  • Parental involvement
  • Home-work assignments

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the right time to evaluate a child for learning disorders?
Mirror writing, lateral inversion, alphabet substitution and letter omission are considered normal till the age of 6 years which is the age by which written language ideally begins to mature. Thus learning disorders manifest only after this age. Hence it is best to get a child screened for dyslexia at six to seven years of age.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the right time to evaluate a child for learning disorders?
Learning disabilities are by definition ‘specific learning deficits’. Children just haven’t learnt the appropriate methods to assimilate information in their brains. This is treatable with special education techniques. These children grow into hardworking, mature, intelligent and successful adults if they’re given the chance.