Adult behavior assessment
Need for assessment
Psychology is the art and science of study of human behavior. All psychometric analysis thus involves the scrutiny of human performance. Most behavior dynamics occur at a subconscious level and they influence the conscious mind and its actions. Psychometric assessment helps gain an understanding of the mechanics in the human mind, which frequently enough selects abnormal attitudes that predisposes one to dysfunctional behaviors. The person feeling their emotional impact may not consciously recognize them. People often fail to gauge their ‘irrational’ thought processes that engender depression and anxiety provoking emotions. Once identified, it becomes easier for any individual to take the appropriate steps required towards correction of his or her emotional problems.
Clinical Interview
A good clinical interview is mandatory for a holistic understanding of any problem. At MINDFRAMES the qualified experts are proficient in putting the client at ease, ensuring utmost confidentiality, showing empathy and having unconditional regard for how the person thinks or feels. This attitude assures the best possible understanding of the problem and paves way for provision of appropriate solutions. It prevents prejudices and judgments that interfere with the diagnostic and therapeutic processes. If you feel comfortable, your inner self tends to surface the deepest emotions that were usually unknown to the conscious self.
Emotion Assessment
An understanding and assessment of emotions, thought processes, conflicts, fears, strengths and weaknesses, personality attributes, emotional maturity, social relatedness; all contribute towards optimization of client management. A variety of standardized and validated testing instruments are used for screening of problems as well as quantification of illness severity. This serves to grade the magnitude of the psychological turmoil and also provides a benchmark to make comparisons that gauge progress or worsening. These questionnaires are targeted towards deciphering the client’s mental makeup and how the client sees the world. It then offers an understanding of the person’s mind and its defenses that may be optimal or dysfunctional.
Reliability of Assessment
Trained professionals in the field of mental health carry out all assessment tests at MINDFRAMES. These experts include psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists and counselors. Some of our tests are automated and results are available online too. Others are assessment instruments that are filled in subjectively but have objective evaluation. Comprehensive assessment reports are prepared with a detailed explanation of the findings. They elucidate the thought pattern and the behavior styles of the individual. The report findings are explained in depth and the treatment plan is formulated according to the same in conjunction with the client’s preferences.